The story of Prophet Idris (Enoch) in Islam

The story of Prophet Idris (Enoch) in Islam

The story of Prophet Idris (Enoch) in Islam


                      Hazrat Idris(Enoch)    

In Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, Hazrat Idris—also known as Enoch—is regarded as a prophet. He is thought to have been born before the prophet Nuh (Noah) and after Adam. Numerous religious texts and traditions provide details about his life.

Early Life :

 According to Islamic tradition, Hazrat Idris was born in Babylon, whnow present-day Iraq, to Jared, prophet and a descendant of Prophet Adam. His mother's name is not mentioned in the religious texts. Hazrat Idris is believed to have been very intelligent and was endowed with great knowledge from a young age.

Prophet and Messages of Allah:

Hazrat Idris was chosen by Allah to be a prophet and a messenger to guide his people toward the path of righteousness. He preached to the people of his time to worship Allah and follow his commandments. He taught his followers about the oneness of Allah, the importance of prayer, and the necessity of leading a pious life.

Hazrat Idris had several children, including Methuselah, who lived to be the oldest person mentioned in the Bible. His son, Prophet Shith (Seth), was also a prophet in Islam and is believed to have succeeded him as a prophet.


In Islamic tradition, Hazrat Idris is believed to have been lifted to the heavens without experiencing death. This is known as the "ascension of Idris" or "Mi'raj of Idris." It is said that he was taken to heaven by the angel Gabriel, where he was given a glimpse of the afterlife and the blessings that await the believers.


Hazrat Idris is revered as a prophet and a messenger of Allah in Islam. He is believed to have been a great scholar and a teacher who imparted his knowledge to his followers. His teachings are mentioned in the Quran, and his name is also mentioned in various Hadiths (sayings of Prophet Muhammad). In Judaism and Christianity, he is also regarded as a righteous man and a prophet.

In conclusion, Hazrat Idris is remembered as a prophet who preached the message of Allah and guided his people toward the path of righteousness. He is remembered for his wisdom, knowledge, and piety, and his legacy continues to inspire people to this day.

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