The story of Hazrat Nuh (Noah)

The story of Hazrat Nuh (Noah)

The story of Hazrat  Nuh (Noah)
                   Hazrat Nuh( Noah )   

In Islam, Hazrat Nuh—also known as Noah in the Bible—is a prophet whose name appears in both the Quran and the Bible. According to Islamic tradition, Allah (God) sent Hazrat Nuh to lead his people and warn them about a coming flood that would wipe out everything on Earth.

Early Life:
    Hazrat Nuh was born into a faith community that venerated Allah. He became a preacher as he got older, urging his people to give up idolatry and worship Allah instead. Although the message of Hazrat Nuh was initially well received by some, the majority of people ignored his warnings and continued their sinful practices.


After preaching for a long time, Allah told Hazrat Nuh to build an ark, a large boat, to prepare for the coming flood. The ark was constructed by Hazrat Nuh and his followers in accordance with the divine instructions he received. He invited his people to board the ark and stop being wicked, but they turned him down and mocked and ridiculed him instead.

The Flood:

      Hazrat Nuh and his followers boarded the ark with pairs of every animal known to man as the flood waters began to rise. Hazrat Nuh and his followers were the only ones to survive the flood when the ark floated on the water for many days. After that, they got out of the ark and started repopulating the planet.


Many of Hazrat Nuh's followers eventually agreed with his teachings as he continued to spread the message of Allah to his people. He was alive for several hundred years and had a lot of children and grandchildren who helped spread his message all over the world. Hazrat Nuh, according to Islamic tradition, died at the age of 950 and was buried in an area known as Al Judi, which is thought to be in what is now Turkey.

The story of Hazrat Nuh is an example of how faith, patience, and perseverance can overcome obstacles. To this day, Muslims all over the world are inspired by his unwavering devotion to Allah and his mission.

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